Phencyclidine (PCP) was developed in the 1950s as an intravenous anesthetic and marketed under the brand name Sernyl. Its use was discontinued in 1965 after patients who were given the drug experienced psychotic reactions. PCP is now mostly manufactured illegally and comes in liquid, powder or pill form.
This course will provide the student with the ability to identify the hazards associated with handling PCP as well as officer safety concerns when dealing with suspects under the influence of PCP. In addition, students will be able to identify and communicate the symptoms of intoxication as well as the chemicals and equipment used in manufacturing PCP. History, packaging, routes of ingestion as well as amounts of PCP that constitute personal use and sales to be used in court.
The student will also be provided with the understanding of the investigative techniques to successfully identify, arrest and prosecute suspects associated with PCP. PCP is becoming increasingly more common and posses a significant hazard to officers and investigators. Learn how to minimize your risk and maximize your success when dealing with this dangerous street narcotic.
Topics Covered:
- The history of Phencyclidine (PCP)
- Basic understanding and identification of chemicals and equipment used in the manufacturing of PCP
- Officer SAFETY when identifying and investigating a possible Clandestine Laboratory
- Symptoms of PCP intoxication
- Usage and packaging of PCP
- Possession and possession for sale of PCP amounts to be used in court