With recent changes in local and federal drug laws, marijuana and its concentrates, with little to no penalties for its possession, have become a major money maker. Due to the volatile nature of the solvents involved, the manufacture of Concentrated Cannabis (aka Butane Honey Oil or BHO) continues to be unlawful in most situations.
This course will give an in depth look at the manufacturing of Concentrated Cannabis (BHO) from mechanical means to solvent extraction and how it has evolved and continues to evolve. We will discuss the inherent hazards and dangers, both seen and unseen, associated with the extraction process due to the volatile solvents and unsafe conditions utilized by the manufactures of Concentrated Cannabis.
Take a look at the history, production, evolution, investigations and hazards of Butane Honey Oil manufacturing and some recent explosion incidents directly associated with the clandestine drug lab operations.
A discussion regarding first responder clandestine drug lab safety as it relates to Butane Honey Oil drug labs and of laws related to Marijuana and Concentrated Cannabis manufacturing.
Case Studies of incidents of individuals that have received injuries ranging from simple burns to severe, life threatening injuries, to death, as well as causing millions of dollars’ worth of property damage to the lab locations and neighboring structures, which have directly affected members of the public as well as first responders.
Topics Covered:
- Concentrated Cannabis manufacturing process and related dangers
- New and emerging trends related to Concentrated Cannabis manufacturing
- First responder lab safety (Do’s and Don’ts)
- Why should I call the lab team, it’s only marijuana?
- Laws regarding clandestine drug labs
- BHO case study
- Officer safety issues
- Hemp -vs- Marijuana