Tyrone Miles

Detective Tyrone Miles joined the Los Angeles Police Department in December of 1994. He has worked various divisions and assignments including patrol assignments in Central Division, Pacific Division, South West Division and Hollenbeck Division, as well as detective assignments in Northeast Division and Wilshire Division. He has approximately 18 years of narcotics enforcement experience including undercover buy team, street level field enforcement and major violators. For the past 15 years he has been assigned to The Los Angeles Police Department’s, Gang and Narcotics Division, Clandestine Laboratory Squad. In this assignment he is tasked with investigating and dismantling illicit drug labs in Los Angeles County as well as assisting with drug lab investigations in surrounding counties.

Detective Miles has received hundreds of hours of clandestine drug lab and dangerous drug training from the California Department of Justice (DOJ), The California Narcotic Officers Association (CNOA) and The Clandestine Laboratory Investigators Association (CLIA). He is a California POST certified instructor and regularly provides instruction to first responders on clandestine drug lab safety.

Classes Taught By Tyrone
Evolution of BHO