Tactical Preparation for Court
Learn how to successfully deal with the uncertainties and stress of court.
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Tactical Preparation for Court: Learn how to successfully deal with the uncertainties and stress of court.
Class Description

This class is designed to prepare the student for court appearances, including preliminary hearings; pre-trial hearings; evidentiary hearings, and jury trials. Topics to be discussed include: witness appearance, demeanor; the difficult task of witness location, preparation, co-ordination, and conflict resolution; locating required reports, developing organizational skills, understanding and delivering discovery, Brady issues, and communication with the District Attorney. You will learn the difference between just testifying, and organizing all the police controlled portions of a court appearance. You will learn how to successfully deal with the uncertainties and stress of court, and to be poised to assist the case no matter what problems are presented during court. We will discuss the more common strategies of defense attorneys and how to avoid these pitfalls and provide the truth to the court. You will also learn the most common issues that create problems for the District Attorney and how to avoid becoming part of the problem. We will provide you with a step by step overview of how to successfully complete a jury trial, from the time you arrive at the scene, to years later when the case is adjudicated in court. Our desire is to provide you with the tools allowing the truth to be presented in court.

Topics Covered:

  • The importance of court
  • Case preparation for court
  • Subpoena service to witnesses and resolving conflicts
  • How to successfully testify
  • Common witness mistakes
  • Common mistakes while testifying
  • Common defense strategies
  • Organization of reports, transcripts, video, audio, lab reports etc.
  • The effects of culture on court
  • How to study for court
  • Learning the rhythm of court
  • Case organization = how to put it all together