Dian Williams

Dr. Williams, President and founder of the Center for Arson Research, was awarded the honor of appointment as a Distinguished Fellow by the International Association of Forensic Nurses for outstanding contributions to the field. Dr. Williams lectures extensively at home and abroad on firesetting, fire bombing and domestic terrorism. She appears regularly in the print and visual media and consults with federal, state and local criminal justice agencies throughout the

United States, Canada, Sweden, along with agencies in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

During the mid-80's, Dian Williams appeared before the U.S. Senate as an expert on juvenile firesetters and violent juvenile offenders. She was a tenured professor in the Criminal Justice Department at West Chester University. Dr. Williams wrote a chapter on treatment strategies for firesetters for a forensic textbook published in 2005 and published a textbook entitled Understanding the arsonist: From assessment to confession, available for sale through her office or Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company or as an e-book on Amazon.

Her second book, Understanding the arsonist: From assessment to confession,(2nd ed)., is now available and focuses on expanded research into firesetting as well as investigative interviewing strategies for arsonists and fire bombers. She is also editor in chief of the Forensic Digest. Dr. Williams works as an expert witness throughout the US. She serves as a consultant to Court TV and other programs on arson-related cases.

Classes Taught By Dian
Profiling the Arsonist from Childhood Through...