Tia Quick

Deputy District Attorney Tia Quick, San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, has been a DDA for 29 years and is currently assigned to the law enforcement liaison position at SDPD. She was recently transferred from the Major Narcotics Unit, where she worked specifically on informant issues, search warrants and complex narcotics cases. Prior to that, she worked eight years as the law enforcement liaison at SDPD and has also served in the JUDGE Unit, Gang Unit and the Superior Court Unit during her time as a DDA. For the past 14 years, the focus of her job has been the review of search warrants and updating officers on the law regarding search and seizure, as well as helping maintain a positive relationship between police agencies and the DA’s Office. In 2016, Tia was the recipient of the CNOA Prosecutor of the Year Award.

Classes Taught By Tia
The Changing Landscape of Search and Seizure